











看卡通學英文英語: 徐薇和吳敏蘭推薦的英文英語卡通節目清單








1.JoJo's Circus

Jojo’s Circus Get up and Move!  Join JoJo and friends in this fun-filled set of books that encourage children to stretch, jump, dance and play. CD features original, lively music and read-along narration.  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單



2.Dora the Explorer (Go, Diego, Go!)

Dora The Explorer Value Pack #4: Crystal Kingdom Adventures / Dora and the Baby Crab / Dora Helps Diego! / Puppy Takes a Bath /  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單





小朋友最棒的大朋友Barney,大大的紫色身軀,友善的笑容,腦中彷彿充滿用不完的知識…紫色恐龍Barney就像大哥哥一般的陪伴著小朋友度過每個重要的學習時刻,此外還有兩個好夥伴,活力充沛又時髦的BJ和愛撒嬌的Baby Bop,一起在每期當中與小朋友一同快樂學習,每期皆有各種與生活息息相關的主題,讓小朋友得以在遊戲以及各種活動當中自然而然習得各種基本知識以及算數和拼字能力!   看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




4.Between the Lions

The Between the Lions Book for Parents: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Child Learn to Read--Inspired by the award-winning literacy series Between the Lions, this practical parent’s handbook explains how to help youngsters ages four to seven develop a talent for and love of reading, addressing common reading difficulties and how to overcome them and offering a host of fun activities, creative tips, and information to assist the reading process. 35,000 first printing.  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




5.Sesame Street芝麻街

Sesame Street Elmo’s House Super Sticker Book--With more than 65 stickers and two big background scenes, kids can help Elmo set up for dinner and playtime or head to the backyard and throw a baseball with Grover and Cookie Monster.  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單





Arthur’s Reading Trick--D.W. makes a bet with Arthur that she can teach Baby Kate how to read in a single afternoon. The loser of the bet has to change their little sister’s stinky diapers! D.W. devises a clever trick to make sure she wins the bet. But will Arthur fall for it-or come up with a trick of his own before the next diaper change is needed?  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單





7.Blue's Clues

A Blue’s Clues Holiday  Young readers are invited to celebrate the holiday season--from Hanukkah to Kwanzaa--by participating in various interactive activities, including making cookies and lighting candles.  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




8.Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder  建築師巴布 / 永不放棄--Bob The Builder /看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




9.Clifford the Big Red Dog/Clifford’s Puppy Days

Clifford the Big Red Dog--It only takes a little to BE BIG!--Meet Clifford and Emily Elizabeth in the original Clifford book! Clifford is big. Clifford is red. But most of all, Clifford knows how to BE A GOOD FRIEND.--The BE BIG campaign invites everyone, big and small, to take action and raise awareness for how CLIFFORD’S BIG IDEAS can make the world a better place.--Clifford’s Big Ideas are:Be a Good Friend * Share * Be Kind * Help Others * Be Truthful * Have Respect * Be Responsible * Play Fair * Work Together * Believe in Yourself  看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




10.Super Why

1.	故事發生在壹個叫"故事書"的村莊裏,而這個村莊,猜猜在哪裏?就在壹座兒童圖書館的書架後面!住著圖書館裏那些故事書中的所有童話人物,比如妳認識的小紅帽;三只小豬;豌豆公主;傑克和他的豆莖……不過,在這個村莊裏,這些可愛的童話人物又有了新的故事啦! 2.	針對3~6歲小朋友設計,用故事遊戲引導,增強英文閱讀能力的「Super Why」   看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




11.Thomas & Friends 湯瑪士火車

湯瑪士大冒險(湯瑪士小火車電影版)【精裝附合金小火車版】 DVD THOMAS & Friends - 看卡通學英文英語:      徐薇和吳敏蘭(哈佛雙語教育碩士)推薦的英語卡通節目清單




12.Berenstain Bears

The Big Book of Berenstain Bears Beginner Books--Calling all Berenstain Bear fans! What could be a better than six Berenstain Bear Beginner Books? Six Berenstain Beginner Books for less than the price of two! At only $15.99, The Big Brown Book of Beginner Books is an incredible value and includes the full, unabridged text and illustrations for The Bike Lesson, The Bears’ Picnic, The Bears’ Vacation, Bears in the Night, The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, and The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone all bound together in one sturdy, hardcover omnibus. Perfect for birthdays and holidays, these are classic, funny, stories about family (albeit one covered in fur!) with timeless, Bear Country appeal.



孩子的教養,你做對了嗎?:兒童發展專家教你輕鬆學腦科學育兒法 ---   7大兒童發展議題、10年臨床醫學真實故事、 70個台灣父母最關心的教養問題、 200個傳統養兒育女迷思、500個最新幼兒教養攻略, 首度結合最新兒童教養與腦科學觀點的新手父母工具書, 輕鬆育兒三部曲:刺激發展→聰明成長→穩定學習。    孩子的教養,你做對了嗎?   兒童發展醫學專家王宏哲醫師根據10多年臨床經驗,將腦科學的教養觀點,   落實成實際具體的做法,讓父母能夠有所依循,活絡孩子的大腦。    雖然遵循傳統方式養育孩子的大有人在,但大腦認知神經科學如雨後春筍般的研究,已對兒童發展過程中的教養策略,產生了爆炸性的改革。    揮別過去的迷思,大腦神經科學告訴我們,要強化孩子的認知學習,千萬別忘了同時注意孩子的專注力、情緒功能、身體健康、感覺動作等發展,如此孩子才能多元與適性的發展成獨立的個體。    全書蒐集了1000對學齡前兒童的父母最想知道的70個教養問題



0~5歲寶寶大腦活力手冊:大腦科學家告訴你如何教養出聰明、快樂、有品德的好寶寶孩子是種子,父母是土壤;要怎麼收穫,就該那麼栽。   無論是剛懷孕的準爸媽、已經有小寶貝的新手爸媽,   本書把「科學家所知」變成「父母可為」的實際方法。   正確掌握大腦守則,好的起步足以決定孩子一生!    .不要再當冤大頭:破解花錢又沒用的教養迷思   .提升寶寶大腦發展:準媽媽務必謹記的四項原則   .教養聰明寶寶:智慧的七種作料,四種養分   .培養快樂寶寶:情緒調節取材自六種香料   .陶養道德寶寶:規則和紀律需要三足鼎立支撐



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